## PureCloud Bespeak
#### Andrew Moore, James Egg, Xander Dumaine
## be·speak \bi-ˈspēk, bē-\
- #### To engage
- #### To reserve in advance
- #### To create especially for one individual
## Software is about People.
## People are engaged with great Experiences.
## Experiences are crafted on the PureCloud Platform.
## Today:
- #### Embed web chat or share
- #### Call a phone number
- #### *Tell customers how to contact you*
## Tomorrow:
- #### Config driven, dynamic experience
- #### Seamless web chat, screen share, co-browse, video chat
- #### Self-service callbacks
- #### Click-to-call (customer facing WebRTC)
- #### *Customers choose the experience*
## Deliverables:
- #### Self-Service Callbacks
- #### Easy ACD Routed Video
- #### An intuitive experience configuration
- #### A developer tool for designing the experience
- #### A developer tool for testing the experience
- #### Click-to-call (almost)
## Customer Experience First
Some of these features aren't in high demand because traditionally, they're hard.
## Customer Experience First
Imagine if companies knew just how easy it is to offer self-service callbacks, video chat, and screen share.
## Customer Experience First
Imagine if we offered the experiences that customers want, not the ones companies prescribe.